Started by fobrien1, February 13, 2018, 10:13:29 PM

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above is a composite photo , meaning the 3 men (police) in the photo with oswald are no shown as they appeared along side oswald in the line ups . that is to say they didnt wear suits . but they were neatly dressed . oswald is shown wearing what he wore in the line ups .

now it doesnt go unnoticed that atleast two of these men ARE BLONDE HAIRED . the two fair haired men are also as can be seen taller and broader than oswald . and lets not forget that while they were neatly dressed oswald wore a torn white tee shirt . the third man while a similar height to oswald was clearly heavier than oswald .

Detective Sims conducted lineup # 2 at 6:30 pm on Friday
Mr. Stern: Do you know these individuals?
Mr. Sims: Yes; I know them.

Mr. Ball: The other three were better dressed than Oswald, would you say?
Det. Boyd: Well, yes, sir; I would say they probably were.

in the above video we see the participants of another line up . oswald and three TEEN BOYS . it should i hope be very apparent to all viewing it that one of them is latino DARK COMPLECTED .

According to the National Institute of Justice, which is the research and development agency of the US Department of Justice, several variables might effect the validity of police lineups.
1. Whether the person administering the lineup knows which person in the lineup is the suspect.
2. Instructions given to the witness, including saying or implying that the suspect will be present.
3. Use of lineup "fillers" who do not resemble the suspect, thus making the suspect stand out. For example, the suspect has dark hair, but only one of five people in the lineup has dark hair.

And finally, multiple witnesses viewing the same lineup must do so separately----not together.

in oswalds case when a witness was viewing a line up other witnesses were there with them . a prime example is cab drivers whalley and scoggins .


The three other participants in the first two lineups were Dallas Police employees. William Perry and Richard Clark were detectives in the Vice Division and Don Ables was a clerk in the jail.

Detective L. C. Graves told the Warren Commission that the way "fillers" were selected for lineups was that the homicide division would call down to the jail office, tell them which prisoner they wanted to show and ask them to provide two, three or four other prisoners who were the approximate age and size as the prisoner they were showing.
( 7 H 253 )

But this is not the way that the "fillers" were selected for the first two lineups in this case.

William Perry testified that Capt. Fritz called the vice unit, not the jail, and requested two officers ( 7 H 233 )

Perry's partner Clark confirmed it was Fritz who made the request ( 7 H 236 )

Detective Jim Leavelle testified that the Dallas Police "didn't normally" use police officers in lineups ( 7 H 262 )

Fritz testified that he "borrowed those officers" because he feared other prisoners would harm Oswald and that "we didn't have an officer in my office the right size to show with him so I asked two of the special service officers if they would help me". ( 4 H 212 )

Less than 4 hours later, however, at the 7:55 pm lineup, Oswald was handcuffed to two other prisoners.
In Saturday's lineup, ALL of the fillers were prisoners.

So much for Fritz's fear for Oswald's safety."


" I know in all cases we usually try to have them dressed as alike as possible, the same as each other."
--- Sgt. James Leavelle ( 7 H 265 )

Capt. Fritz testified that the three police "fillers" "took off their coats and neckties and fixed themselves where they would look like prisoners" and were not dressed any better than Oswald. ( 4 H 212 )

But when questioned by the WC, "filler" William Perry testified that he put on a brown sports coat for both lineups.
( 7 H 233 )

"Filler" RL Clark testified that he was wearing a white short sleeved shirt and a red vest for both lineups. He also testified that he got the red vest and Perry got the brown sports coat FROM THE HOMICIDE OFFICE. ( 7 H 236 )

Don Ables testified that he had on a white shirt and a grey knit sweater for both lineups. ( 7 H 240 )

But Oswald was wearing Commission Exhibit 150 for both lineups, the shirt that has a frayed hole in the elbow.
( 4 H 73 )

Detective Elmer Boyd admitted under oath that the three police employees WERE dressed better than Oswald.
( 7 H 127 )"


Jim Leavelle conducted lineup #'s 1,3 and 4 and spoke to the witnesses prior to lineup 2. Leavelle indicated in testimony that he knew that two officers from the Vice Unit and a jail clerk had been used for the first lineup.
( 7 H 263-264 )

Leavelle also testified that he had seen Oswald, " the first day he was arrested and when they brought him in and out of the office taking him to and from the jail, and of course, I had saw him at the lineups, what-have-you ". ( 7 H 268 )

So Leavelle, by his own admission, was more than aware that Oswald was the suspect.

He knew it.

Detective Sims conducted lineup # 2 at 6:30 pm on Friday. According to Capt. Fritz, Sims was present at the first interrogation session between 2:15 and 4:05 ( 4 H 209 ) and thus knew that Oswald was the suspect prior to his conducting the 6:30 lineup.

In addition, Sims testified that he KNEW ALL THREE OF THE POLICE FILLERS that were used in the lineup he conducted. ( 7 H 179 )"


"Let me say this, that it would be very unusual if we had a showup and .........if they put anything other than men that fit their approximate size and age in there with them......because we just don't operate that way." --- Dallas Detective L. C. Graves ( 7 H 253 )

Mrs. Markham's description of the Tippit killer as given to Officer J.M. Poe was a white male, about 25, about 5 feet 8, brown hair, medium build . ( 7 H 68 ) She also testified that the man who she saw shoot Tippit "wasn't too heavy."
( 3 H 317-318 ) And she gave a completely different description of the killer to FBI Agent Bardwell D. Odum.
She told him that the killer was a white male, about 18, black hair, red complexion ( 3 H 318 )

Ted Callaway, who viewed the exact same lineup as Mrs. Markham about two hours later, described the killer as a man with dark hair and a fair complexion ( 3 H 356 )

Howard Brennan described the Kennedy killer as early 30's , fair complexion, slender.

So how did the physical attributes of the "fillers" in the first two lineups compare to the descriptions given by the witnesses who viewed them ?

Perry was 34 yo 5-11 150 brown hair dark complexion ( 7 H 235, 7 H 168 )

Clark was 31 yo 5-11 177 blond hair ruddy complexion ( 7 H 239, 7 H 168 )

Ables was 26 yo 5-9 165 dark hair ruddy complexion ( 7 H 242-243, 7 H 168 )

Elmer Boyd told the Commission that they "always tell them to get the same color". ( 7 H 131 )

But Sam Guinyard testified that the men in the second lineup ( who were the same men as was in the first ) were NOT the same color ( 7 H 399 )

Markham, Guinyard, Callaway and even Brennan all viewed the exact same lineup, with the exact same "fillers" in the exact same positions, dressed exactly the same. The fillers were all too dark, too blond and too heavy with the completely wrong complexion to match the descriptions of the witnesses.

As if having one blond in the first two lineups was not enough, the Dallas Police put TWO blonds in the lineup with Oswald and Ables for lineup # 3.
( 7 H 179 )

In this lineup, the witnesses, Barbara and Virginia Davis described the man they saw running across their lawn as
a white male, slender, light complexion, with either light brown or black hair
( 3 H 349 ) ( 6 H 457 ).

But both fillers Richard Walter Borchgardt and Ellis Carl Brazel had blond hair, and a ruddy complexion. ( 7 H 179 )
And Ables also had a ruddy complexion ( 7 H 242-243, 7 H 168 )

In his testimony, taxicab driver William Scoggins described the murderer of Tippit as a white male, light complexion, 25-26, medium height and weight, with either medium brown or dark hair ( 3 H 333 )

But Lineup # 4 "filler" John Thurman Horne was 17 and "filler" David Edmond Knapp was 18. ( 7 H 200 )

The final "filler" for the fourth lineup was Daniel Lujan, a 26 year old Mexican who was on the heavy side at 5-8 and 170. ( 7 H 245 )

This is what the NIJ says about providing fillers for police lineups :
"Fillers who do not resemble the witness�s description of the perpetrator may cause a suspect to stand out."


In the second, third and fourth lineups, the witnesses were allowed to view the lineups as a group, rather than separately.

Sam Guinyard testified that during the second lineup he and Ted Callaway sat only 3-4 feet apart from one another.
( 7 H 400 )

Virginia Davis testified that during the third lineup, Barbara was sitting right next to her. ( 6 H 462 )

Whaley and Scoggins viewed the fourth lineup together. ( 3 H 337 )"


Scoggins testified that he saw Oswald's picture in the morning paper. ( 3 H 334-335 )

Brennan testified that he saw Oswald on TV. ( 3 H 155 )"


Dr. Gary Wells, an Iowa State University psychologist who has researched identifications by witnesses since the mid-1970s describes what a witness sees in a lineup. He says, "The tendency is to pick the one who looks most like the person you saw. It becomes more about reasoning than memory."
"...... the reason I say that he looked like the man, because the rest of them were larger men ........The only one I could identify at all would be the smaller man on account he was the only one who could come near fitting the description." ---- Cecil McWatters ( 2 H 281 )
When Howard Brennan viewed the second lineup on November 22nd, he chose Oswald as the one who "most resembled" the man he saw.
( 3 H 154-155 )

This phenomena of choosing the one who "looks like" rather than one who "is" is supported by research published in 1998 by a Wells-led team. In that research, subjects were shown a grainy film of a staged crime, then handed six photos. They weren't told whether the "criminal" they had seen was in the group of pictures.
He wasn't, but nearly all of the subjects chose a picture anyway."


Helen Markham testified to the pressure she was receiving at the first lineup:

"When I saw this man I wasn't sure....and they kept asking me, 'which one, which one ? '...." ( 3 H 311 )


They did it at least 19 other times that we know of.
The proof of that has been the 19 convictions, 17 of those having occurred under former DA Henry Wade's regime, which have been overturned by DNA evidence since the 1980's .
Wade's justice system in Dallas County was more interested in closing cases than it was in bringing the true perpetrators of crimes to justice.
"Now in hindsight, we're finding lots of places where detectives in those cases, they kind of trimmed the corners to just get the case done," said Michelle Moore, a Dallas County public defender and president of the Innocence Project of Texas. "Whether that's the fault of the detectives or the DA's, I don't know."
Typical Wade cases "were riddled with shoddy investigations, evidence was ignored and defense lawyers were kept in the dark".
John Stickels, a University of Texas at Arlington criminology professor and a director of the Innocence Project of Texas, blames a culture of "win at all costs."
"When someone was arrested, it was assumed they were guilty," he said. "I think prosecutors and investigators basically ignored all evidence to the contrary and decided they were going to convict these guys."

let justice be done tho the heavens fall

A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people. John F. Kennedy