What is YOUR VIEWS on taking organs after death

Started by THE FUGITIVE, February 10, 2018, 03:23:39 PM

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We hear a lot in the press and on the news about new rules that mean you must OPT OUT otherwise your organs will be taken from your body after death i have my own views IT IS MY BODY so what are your views
While i agree it is nice to think your organs can help someone i believe a persons next of kin should be consulted as they may have religious views or believe as i do the body should be as whole as possible apart from accidents or bombs etc i believe we should if possible go out of this world the way we came in if possible

It is also my view that we no longer own our own body if this is accepted as a practice so please tell us your views i know of cases here in the North were it already happens
My Cousin was murdered some years ago and her family were eventually able to bury her after investigations but just last year it was disclosed that 30 people in the north had relatives like my cousin who had body parts still in labs and it turned out my cousins brain was not buried with her but was in a lab the police apoligised for the mistake and offered a burial but it brought all the grief back to the family so it already happens in certain cases without permission --PLEASE TELL US YOUR VIEWS