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Started by fobrien1, March 27, 2018, 01:00:46 AM

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many names have come up that could be jack the ripper . are they credible ? do you believe them ? .

ive personally watched many ripper documentaries and read about the ripper . so i know most if not all suspects .

the suspects vary from dr gull , to a polish emigrant called michael ostrog . the classic vision of the ripper is i guess a well dressed man with a deer stalker type hat and a gladstone bag . a fair argument has been made that if anyone saw such a man that they would have screamed the place down .

so then they argue it must have been someone that blended in to the poor east end . again this is a fair argument , after all such a person would look like everyone else .

i will use this thread to post multiple videos but ill start with two , these two for me offer what i feel are very plausible suspects . however we cant prove these people were guilty .

the first video is THE DIARY OF JACK THE RIPPER .

the above video centers on a man who was friends with an elderly gent , the elderly gent gave him a package an old diary , and said maybe he can earn some money out of it . the elderly man died soon after . it wasnt immediately evident whos diary it was and only at he very end was the name revealed .

the early criticisms of the diary by ripper authors etc were that the ink wasnt from 1888 , but the ink and diary were indeed from that era . another criticism was that the author used a term that was not used until years after 1888 , this also proved false , the term was A ONE OFF . the authors found that the term first appeared in dictionaries etc years after 1888 which was true . however words / terms are in use usually long before they get into dictionaries . and the term was indeed found to have been used as early as 1888 and prior to that .

information was in the diary about the victims , information that was kept from the public for about 100 years , that in itself begs the question why keep this information secret so long . this information was in regards items on or near the body that ONLY the police knew . things that were very ordinary and which would have had little significance to the police at the time . but the author of the diary was spot on and knew this information . this led the authors to one of two conclusions , the diary was a fake , faked after 1988 or most certainly genuine . all some had to state it was a fake was that they didnt want to accept it as genuine .

ill leave you guys view the video and decide for your self if you think the suspect in it JAMES MAYBRICK was a credible suspect .

the next suspect is maybe a bit of an unexpected suspect , but he must be viewed in the context of the story he was involved in .

the above video is JACK THE RIPPER : THE FINAL SOLUTION . there is a book also of the same name and the video is based on that book .

the author spoke to an old artist , the son of a famous artist walter sickert . and what the son told the author was stunning and may well be the answer to the puzzle and to all our questions .

the story is that the jack the ripper killings were the result of a 3 man team NOT one man . an east end cockey caoch driver , an acknowledged nasty piece of work . dr gull who was inside the coach . and a third man who was the subject of the video and the book . prince eddie (victorias grandson ) frequented an east end area and was friends with the third man .a few things happened that could embroil the royalty in a scandal that could destroy the monarchy . one was that eddie had a relationship with a commoner that bore him a daughter . the other ? well a documented scandal in that same area that involved known people at that time visiting a homosexual brothel for want of a better term .

and a blackmail attempt . this involved several prostitutes who knew eddie and his childs mother .

a combination of the above led to the three above mentioned men working together to remove the problems that could destroy the royals . one thing noted at the time was that despite the grissly nature of the public murders of the first 4 women was that despite them being badly stabbed and slashed , throat cut from ear to ear that there was very little blood . all most as tho they were killed elsewhere and the bodies dropped in the areas they were found . this story and the author posit that the first four were killed inside the coach . the author also posits that there was atleast one other kiling before the main five , and that there is reason to believe that there were a few others after .

most certainly scotland yard shut this case down very quickly . a few of the autopsies were controlled so as to keep information from coming out . i have read the book that the video is based on , i have to say it was engrossing and very hard to put down .

i welcome any comments and views on the above and on the videos above .
let justice be done tho the heavens fall

A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people. John F. Kennedy


I think from watching various reports and documentries that whoever he was he had a certain medical knowledge the way he cut his victims and later the Yorkshire ripper copied this method of killing and of course that does not prove a medical background as we know the Yorkshire ripper had no medical background but it probably means whoever it was studied books on organs inside the body and knew exactly where to cut
Sadly because so many years have passed i doubt the real truth will ever come out and remember DNA was not invented then so nothing could be pinned on suspects but one thing is for sure he sounds like a man that has either been hurt by prostitutes or a man that has been hurt by women in general that should be the main clue the other main clue is obviously his knowledge of the human body


yes mate he certainly had medical knowledge . the last of the 5 official murders was a grisly one that well the poor girl mary kelly was hacked to bits really . no real medical knowledge was needed there . but some of the other murders did have and require medical knowledge . as an example a kidney was removed from one victim . they tried to down play this at the time and say such a procedure required no special knowledge , doctors have said otherwise .

its sadly common that crazy guys kill , such as the yorkshire ripper . for me having read about jack and how the authorities at the time behaved tellls me that there is more to that case . if it is along the lines of what i said above in my last post , well we likely wont know any more than we do because evidence will be destroyed or covered up .

its interesting that many letters were received at the time from people claiming to be jack . they were pretty much all dismissed as cranks . however one letter , the from hell letter mentioned something interesting that only the real killer would have known . he not only mentioned in the letter that he removed a kidney but he sent part of it with the letter . the kidney being removed info was known only to police .
let justice be done tho the heavens fall

A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people. John F. Kennedy